Friday, February 12, 2016

Movie review - "Rod Taylor: Pulling No Punches" (2016) ****

A decent bio of a much-neglected Australian actor which has the considerable benefit of some excellent photographs, lively editing and good talking heads, including Rod himself (interviews filmed shortly before his death), manager Murray Niedorf, Jack Thompson, Maggie Smith, Stephan Elliot and Bryan Brown. It is lively and there are some entertaining accounts of the making of such films as Young Cassidy, The Birds, The Time Machine, Welcome to Woop Woop.

Some confusing decisions have been made - it's not linear, which I kind of went with, but omits many key films in Rod's career: 36 Hours, Zabriskie Point, The Picture Show Man. The 70s are almost entirely glossed over - the 80s are completely glossed over. It is energetic and important and draws some attention to Taylor, who should be better known.

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