Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Movie review - "Escape Plan" (2013) **1/2 (warning: spoilers)

This Sylvester Stallone movie has a great "craptacular" high concept and starts off with a bang - he's a prison expert who gets paid to break out of prisons, but then finds himself a regular prisoner, and meets up with Arnold Schwarzenneger. Its tremendous fun seeing Arnie and Sly match off against each other and thump each other around and for a while you think this is going to be awesome...

But then the plot becomes repetitive - Sly escapes, is recaptured. The twists are lame - we think Arnie is working for a mysterious baddy then it turns out he is the mysterious baddy, I mean what is that? And the CIA girl who turns out to be his daughter... what does that give us, really? It would have been better had the CIA been more involved in a nefarious way.

Amy Ryan's love interest is undeveloped and I wish more could have been found for Sam Neill (as a dodgy doctor) to do. It's enjoyable in a way but not up to the strength of its cast or central idea.

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