Monday, September 15, 2014

Movie review - "A Man and a Woman" (1966) **

One of the most internationally successful French films of all time and you can't help wonder why. I guess it had a simple premise - boy meets girl - with two perfectly cast stars (Anouk Aimee, Jean Louis Trintignant), a memorable theme tune and lots of jazzy bits: the photography jumps in between black and white and colour, he's a racing car driver and she does continuity for the movies.

The influence of the film on advertisements is clear to see - the photography, shots on a deserted beach, at a train station, a couple making love. Visually very stylish and the two stars have charisma, especially Anouk Aimee.

But it was dull. There's hardly any story - they get together, she freaks out, they get back together.  Lots of driving around and hanging out. There's naturalistic acting and pretty tunes.

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