Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Movie review - "Look Who's Talking" (1989) ***

I still remember the trailer for this movie in the cinema - every gag greeted with massive laughter. It helped propel a low budget comedy to massive success. It does have one of the great basic ideas of all time - a baby who talks, helped by the baby's voice being wise cracking Bruce Willis. It's so brilliantly universal - who hasn't been around a baby and wondered what they are really thinking?

Rewatching it I was surprised how little time baby comments take up - far more is on John Travolta's romance with Kirstie Alley, which is really well done. How thin they both were! And genuinely warm, likeable comic actors. There's also lots of time involving Alley's relationship with baby's father George Segal and the running time is further padded with dance montages and fantasy sequences. There are some very funny lines.

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