Monday, July 28, 2014

Movie review - "Rush" (2013) ***

It looks incredible, with some funky 70s visuals, first rate car race sequences (every one different, the way Ron Howard differentiated his fights in Cinderella Man), is set in a different "world" and has a decent story and thumping Hans Zimmer score.

But Chris Hemsworth is miscast in the lead - he's got the looks and physique, but lacks genuine glamour and charisma; it would be a hard role to cast but it needed someone with a touch of the Errol Flynns (and an English accent which didn't seem to tacked on).

The other big problem is the script - I love Peter Morgan's other work but far too much of it is overwritten with characters spelling out the subtext when it wasn't needed (eg Hemsworths courtship with Olivia Wilde, the final scene between Hemsworth and his rival).

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