Monday, July 07, 2014

Movie review - "Jackie Brown" (1997) **1/2

This was politely reviewed when it came out and made a bit of money, but I do scratch my head at the thought that anyone really likes it. Scenes go on for far too long, endless slabs of dialogue about nothing - which wasn't true in QT's other better films, they would have this great violent tension or subtext going on.

The plot is alright, but not terribly gripping; the acting is excellent and it does have a good feel for the world of Elmore Leonard (though not as good as Out of Sight). By this stage QT's little indulgences were getting annoying (eg all the close ups of feet - it's like Death Proof).

Pam Grier has a formidable presence but isn't that awesome; Robert Foster is touching, Robert de Niro and Michael Keaton solid, Bridget Fonda lots of fun in the Candice Rialson part (though that's not too hard to play, surely), and Samuel L. Jackson great as always.

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