Sunday, March 24, 2013

Movie review - "Zero Dark Thirty" (2012) ****

Gripping tale of the pursuit of Osama Bin Laden. It feels real though I'm sure a lot of it is made up. Jessica Chastian does very well in a role that consists of a lot of biting her nails and looking tense - she is very good looking. This is kind of pro torture but not completely (valuable information is obtained not from torture directly but rather tricking the prisoner) - but the movie doesn't really go into the issues it raises.

Much attention is paid to the number of attacks that took place after September 11, the final assault is excitingly staged and extremely well done (they still brought a dog!), Joel Edgerton doesn't deserve his third billing in what is a very small role, the attack at Chastian's compound felt tacked on and un-authentic, I kept wondering how she remained so slim when all she seemed to do was work, eat and drink soft drink. Over long but still worth watching.

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