Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Movie review - "Witchcraft" (1964) **1/2

Enjoyable, unpretentious "cosy catastrophe" British horror film more in the vein of Village of the Damned than the Hammers. Don Sharp directs with brisk pace and efficiency that reminded me of Val Guest at his best and the story isn't bad - some property developers dig up a graveyard which annoys a family of witches nearby.

The family is headed by Lon Chaney Jnr who doesn't seem terribly interested but it's good to see him. It's also easier to tell him apart from other cast members, who tend to blend into "random English actors" category (except Yvette Rees who is a terrific witch). There are some decent shocks with creepy witches walking around nearly deserted houses at night, and it's always fun to find covens in small town England (the black and white photography helps make this more believable). The climax didn't really work for me, though - it's got plenty of action and witches on fire, but I didn't really care for any of the characters by then.

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