Saturday, January 05, 2013

Movie review - "Austin Powers: the Spy Who Shagged Me" (1999) ***

A movie that's more fun watching for a second time than the first because its patchiness isn't as distracting, and you can still enjoy the gags on re-viewing. There's also Heather Graham, who in this movie is perhaps one of the hottest female leads in a film of all time - even if her voice and acting isn't up to it.

There's terrific production design, an enjoyable line up of supporting actors (including Rob Lowe), some irritating cameos (Tim Robbins kills the fun of anything political he's in because you can all too easily imagine him droning on about Nixon when the camera wasn't rolling), a lively spirit and genuine love for the Bond movies, the addition of a couple of great new characters (Mini Me, Fat Bastard). I don't often come across anyone who quotes or even remembers Goldmember but people refer to this one all the time.

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