Sunday, November 04, 2012

Movie review - "Next of Kin" (1982) **1/2

This was possibly overpraised by Quentin Tarantino in Not Quite Hollywood but is still a striking, compelling Australian horror/suspense film. Tarantino drew comparisons with The Shining and while this isn't as good it's not a bad way to describe it - there's a lot of menace and poking around as a young woman inherits a run down nursing home. The director Tony Williams - who really impresses here - throws in a lot of Steadicam and a Tangerine Dream type score has he builds up the atmosphere.

His story isn't as good - not a lot happens, it moves quite slowly - but you do watch, and it doesn't insult the intelligence. Jacki Kerin is a different sort of heroine, with her angular features - maybe the film would have been more popular with someone more empathetic but she gives a good performance. John Jarratt is young and pretty as her boyfriend and there is some creepy "young girl" acting. A decent attempt and certainly not a film to be grouped with the forgettable 10BA slasher epics made in Australia at this time.

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