Thursday, May 03, 2012

Movie review - "Raiders in the Sky" (1953) **1/2

There's a sub genre of war film known as the "bomber movie" about crews which go on constant raids and wind up having a nervous breakdown - Twelve O'Clock High, Command Decision, this. It's got the benefit of a story by a real bomber who flew over a hundred missions and feels a lot more real: the briefings with airmen where people up the back ask the officers to speak up, the easy camaraderie in the mess, the elaborate drinking ceremonies with everyone chanting and airmen putting paint dripped feet on the ceiling, the final bombing raid with its radio reports and anxiousness, the sense of routine mixed in with danger.

There's also a strong cast. Dirk Bogarde's youthful good looks and ability to convey neuroticism mean he's ideal in the lead. Old Hollywood standby Ian Hunter pops up bald as a superior officer; Bogarde's crew includes Aussie expat Bill Kerr and future director Bryan Forbes. William Sylvester plays the Bonar Colleano role as an American observer on the plane and Dinah Sheridan is perfect in the sort of part she plays here (widowed, sensible love interest). Kerr is very touching as a softly spoken Aussie who dreams of a sheep farm.

An early foreshadowing of Top Gun - Bogarde meets and flirts with Dinah Sheridan in a bar, then the next day at a session finds himself briefed by Sheridan who is in uniform. At times it's a little too realistic and British and drifts into dullness but it's a strong British war movie.

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