Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Movie review - "Iron Sky" (2012) **1/2 (warning: spoilers)

There isn't really a justification for Australian tax payer money to be in this, but at least it's different - a very stupid, very fun, genuinely subversive take on Nazis on the Moon and their attempts to get Earth back. The special effects are pretty good, the central idea is so ridiculously high concept it deserves some sort of medal, the actors get into the whole thing with gusto, some of the jokes are really funny (e.g. the Nazis thinking The Great Dictator was pro Nazi because they've only seen the 10 minute version, every country in the world has satellites which are secretly armed with weapons - except for Finland).

The script is astonishingly lazy in places - they don't bother to explain great slabs of what happened (I was looking forward to hearing more about the history of Nazi life on the moon), things are overlooked wholesale (e.g. why doesn't the black astronaut ever contact her family), it feels mean (e.g. making the black astronaut a male model who can't even really fly a space ship), science and logic are completely ignored. But it's got the balls of 70s cinema - black men turning white, chunks of the moon being blown off, and ending with the Americans hogging energy supplies on the moon and starting World War Three!

The Queensland tax payer had money in this which is a joke - it barely mentions Australia, except for having Australia's armed satellite joining in on the fun.

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