Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Radio review - Lux - "Jolson Sings Again" (1950) **1/2

The Jolson Story was such a hit that Columbia decided to come up with a sequel, which just gets over the line in terms of a reason to exist - it covers Jolson's divorce and remarriage, decline in career, and recover in popularity by singing to the troops, including the making of The Jolson Story. This includes the bit where Al Jolson meets Larry Parks - although Jolson here is played by Jolson himself (which means the songs are done very well). The best scene for me is where Jolson and his new wife go back to the home he used to live in with his previous wife - Hollywood films of the time rarely touched on divorce. Less great is the kindly Hollywood producer who decides to bring him back to fame. Barbara Hale and William Demarest repeat their film performances. Jolson jokes (actually he probably wasn't joking) at the end about being up for a third film which Demarest quips should be called Jolson Sings Again and Again and Again.

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