Sunday, July 05, 2009

Movie review – “Pick Up” (1974) *

Starts unpromisingly with the sound of a man urinating by a mobile phone. Two girls hitch a ride with the man, and they get stuck in a swamp. One of the girls has sex with the guy (often in the woods) and does a lot of frolicking; the other girl is into tarot cards and flashbacks to being molested by a priest and teenage sex. The guy kills a wild boar at it seems like the filmmakers actually did it. The tarot card girl goes crazy, imagining clowns and a politician who goes door knocking in the swamp.

There’s a bit of nudity but the running time feels mostly padded – lots of shots of driving, walking around swamps, etc. They try to do something difference with the mad tarot girl and moody shots etc but it drags and isn’t that interesting. Neither good grind house, nor good art house.

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