Monday, July 13, 2009

Movie review – “Horror of Party Beach” (1964) *

A combination of Beach Party and Creature of the Black Lagoon, which is presumably why it’s in black and white. The plot involves some unconvincing creatures which rises and kill people by the beach – it turns out the creatures were created by toxic waste. Subtext! (The Beach Girls and The Monster tried a similar genre cross-pollination.)

This has become a camp classic over the years, often popping up in books about the worst film of all time. There’s a moody scientist hero who always wears swimmers, who works for a scientist; the scientist’s daughter is in love with the moody swimsuit-wearing scientist. There’s also a black servant who blames it on voodoo and the monster really knocks up a large death toll of victims (in one sequence if I’m not mistaken he kills 20 girls). Violent and silly, with a decent number in ‘The Zombie Stomp’.

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