Monday, June 01, 2009

TV series review – “Battlestar Galactica: Season 4 Part 2” (2009) ***** (warning: spoilers)

The finale was never going to make anyone happy – what finale’s do? But there are enough brilliant moments to ensure the series average remains high. For me, this had two great high points – the mutiny and the final raid. The first is breathtaking exciting – it kind of reminded me of a Tudor England-era take over, like Lady Jane Grey or the Earl of Essex or something. The second is also brilliant – that has more of a “one last roll of the dice” Wild Bunch feel. In between these two high points things do dip, but I guess they had to.

There are lots of endings – you can’t but helped be moved. I don’t mind admitting I got a tear. (It might have been even more moving had not so many favourites died). Lots of my wishes came true – Cally got justice, Anders got pummelled; I felt so sorry for Dee.

Okay some gripes – didn’t quite believe the colonists would give up their technology so easily (even if they did, they’d be regretting it the first batch of illness and crop failures they encountered); I get that they had to get rid of it, but what about another reason, like sheer lack of materials and fuel to keep them going – so they become fossils? I also get that Hera is meant to be the chosen one – but does she have to be such a dopey child, forever wandering off in story-convenient directions while people are trying to rescue her?

I did like how after all that time on the ship lots of humans just wanted to be left the frack alone. Wonderful series.

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