Monday, June 01, 2009

Radio review – Lux – “Green Light” (1937) **1/2

This adapts to radio than many other Errol Flynn films because it was a soapy, and they cross over better than swashbucklers and Westerns. It’s still a fairly soggy drama, but it seems more at home here on the screen. It also reteams Errol Flynn and Olive de Havilland, who plays the adoring nurse (which she didn't in the film). 

Again, you wonder why Errol doesn’t go off with the nurse instead of the daughter of the woman he has killed (who isn’t given any lines here). Errol has an unfortunate scene where he talks to a dog. At the end he chats to Cecil B de Mille about how he’s just bought the Sirocco (well, Sirocco II) and his plans to go boating in the Caribbean after he finishes his next movie (Four’s a Crowd).

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