Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Movie review - "Fog Island" (1945) **

How can you not like a film called Fog Island starring Lionel Atwill and George Zucco? Unfortunately, the best thing about the film is it's called Fog Island and stars Lionel Atwill and George Zucco. This is a knock off of And Then There Were None with Zucco inviting the people who were responsible for sending him to prison and killing his wife to a deserted fog drenched island. If you wonder why they'd go well you're not alone - the film tries to explain it (they're motivated by greed) but it's not entirely successfully. There are other debits as well - some dodgy pacing, odd music and a spectacularly amateurish performance by the male juvenile lead. Also we miss Zucco who disappears half way through. Against that there is some polished acting by the cast - the two leads of course, plus Veda Ann Borg - and the house has some neat hidden panels and trap doors.

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