Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Movie review – “Mission Impossible 3” (2006) **

They shouldn't have made this film without a reason - a decent twist, a major new character (eg Sean Connery in the third Indiana Jones). They do add a fiancee for Tom Cruise – but that’s not enough, not unless it was J Lo or Judi Dench or something. After an intriguing beginning the film becomes stock: a rescue mission, another mission, then another one. The first MI film had a strong idea (the team wiped out); the second had at least that terrific opening sequence. This third one is slick, plenty of explosives, some tangy dialogue – but still seems like a big budget episode of Alias. The villain is the boss – gasp! We think someone is dead – but they were wearing a mask! The macguffin is... something we never find out! (eg Ronin) Come on... try harder. Cruiser got lazy on this one, no wonder it underperformed. A talented support cast is given little memorable to do. Three of the leading women are slim types with long hair, just like Jennifer Garner.

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