Monday, March 19, 2007

Book review - "Osprey Series - Lawrence and the Arab Revolts" by David Nicolle

World War I was mostly mindless slaughter in muddy European trenches but other theatres of the war were not without glamour (I know, I know, war isn't glamorous but this is comparative): India, chasing the Emden, Africa and Arabia. Although TE Lawrence gets title billing he isn't featured that much, which is part of the point of the book. We hear about the various battles and campaigns in Arabia, of which there was an awful lot, with a bewildering amount of tribes and factions. The British seemed to lose a lot, and you wonder how they won the war at times. Plenty of skirmishes and uprising - you may chuckle at old foreign legion movies but they certainly kept busy in real life in that part of the world, which makes it even more confusing why the Yanks thought once they got rid of Saddam everyone would peacefully turn to shopkeeping and accountancy.

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