Friday, September 15, 2006

Movie review - "Enron: Smartest Guy in the Room" (2005) ****

Superb doco which has the advantage of a rivetting story - the Enron collapse. The filmmakers have come up with gems - the female Fortune reporter who was one of the first to ask tough questions about the company, videos where Enron's own chief execs make fun of that incredibly stupid accounting system where they were allowed to count pretend money (for my mind, the biggest reason for what happened), taped recordings of these awful Enron traders. I didn't see it as a criticism of capitalism per se - just of unrestrained capitalism, without adequate checks and balances. They were there, they just needed to be used. I love a good corporate collapse story and this is one of the best. Many parallels to our own - naked Emperors, visionaries, etc.

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