Sunday, September 10, 2006

Movie review - "Clerks 2" (2006) *** 1/2

Kevin Smith gets his groove back in a big way - this is the schmaltzy film he tried to make with Jersey Girl but which he couldn't do, weighed down by the big budget and his lack of knowledge of the arena in which the film was set. Like he did after Mallrats he bunkered down, lowered the budget and cast old, true friends. 

It's a sequel but an entirely justified one, with two friends from the original still plugging away. Thankfully it refers to events in other films less than any other in the Jersey films; it also has more emotion than any since Chasing Amy with particularly good work from Jeff Anderson. Moving, warm and funny, with sufficient gross out humour to ensure Smith hasn't lost his edge. 

The film is more visually comfortable than his last few - maybe being in the one location relaxed him. Rosario Dawson almost makes you believe that she could be attracted to Brian O'Halloran (she's a more believable K Smith female figure than Liv Tyler in Jersey Girl though playing another horny hot chick in glasses working temporarily in a dead end job). It just occurred to me - this film fixes up the errors in Jersey Girl (schmaltz, casting, script) the way that Chasing Amu fixed up the problems in Mallrats (casting, script). Sweet, funny and well made.

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