Sunday, October 27, 2024

Movie review - "The 4.30 Movie" (2024) **

 Kevin Smith fans were hoping for a return to film from this film - he'd given up marijuana, was making a heavily autobiographical movie about a tubby kid in New Jersey 1986. The basic idea is simple and could've been great - young teen invites girl out (though they've already kissed and she seems very keen on him and so there's no stakes).

The young actors aren't very good. They yell at each other a lot.

The piece lacks logic and a sense of truth. Like it builds up to him taking a girl to the movie which is great, but then they go to the movie that morning as well and get kicked out.

I think Smith made a mistake focusing on the one guy and his story - that should've been more of a subplot. It needed three or four stories like American Graffitii. That way you could focus on the location, and cut from story to story.

There's a few too many "hey isn't this inaccurate prediction about the future funny" jokes. And also the trailers of films they see don't seem real - did they have grindhouse trailers in 1986 suburban theatres? On VHS yes but not in the movies.

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