Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Movie review - "The Glass Menagerie" (1950) **1/2

 The play is fine. Simple. Autobiographical. I can imagine is cast correctly it would've played beautifully.

This film is... is what it is. Gets off to wrong start with Arthur Kennedy in the merchant marine. Kennedy doesn't feel like Tom. Too strong. Kirk Douglas is also too strong. I mean, why is he calling on her. He's doing his best. Everyone is. The film is made with care. The cast just annoyed me.

Jane Wyman didn't I should say. She was playing it like the text. Gertrude Lawrence wasn't bad. She was just whatever. The flashback scenes seemed dumb.

Some of the scenes play well - Douglas and Wyman in the dark with the lights. But even then Douglas feels too cocky.

Who would've worked? Well, a faded beauty film star for the role of Amanda. Bette Davis, or someone. And a sensitive new age boy for Tom - Monty Clift, or Farley Granger. 

The happy ending is insulting.

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