Sunday, April 28, 2024

Movie review - "Group Marriage" (1973) **1/2 (re-watching)

 Cheerful sex comedy from Stephanie Rothman has the same basic problem of Terminal Island - too many characters, too much going on that doesn't tie in to a central theme - but also many of the benefits - a positive nature, plenty of forward momentum, an attractive cast.

The film is at its best in embracing of sex and colour and movement. Maybe it would have been better had it focused on just the girls. Or turned more serious. I think The Student Nurses works well because it goesdserious and while I know Rothman wanted to make a comedy a bit more seriousness like the house being trashed sequence would have worked. Or even more serious sex like when Jennings does it with Zac Taylor.

I actually like the Zach Taylor-Claudia Jennings subplot - he's upset she's representing his ex wife - because it's serious. The film could have dug into that more. Maybe met the ex wife.

The f- gay slur word is used but the two gay characters are depicted positively.

Best actors are Claudia Jennings and Solomon Sutrges. Jennings' has star factor. Aimee Eccles is cute. The women are stunning - well, Eccles more girl next door but extremely likeable (I love how she's the driving force), and Jennings and Victoria Vetri are goddesses. Zach Taylor is handsome and Sturges charismatic. The guy who plays the parole offier

There are too many subplots though. One about a prisoner who is a client of the probationary officer feels extraneous. Like if you want that make him one of the group marriage. Or could have been a she (could conflict with the lawyer then). Or actually just dropped it.Claudia Jennings could have easily handled a social welfare subplot.

Actually just thinking about the film I feel it might have been stronger had Rothman dug into the archetypes of the leads more. Aimee Eccles the funny one, Vetri the sexy free spirit, Jennings the political one. It's kind of there but could have been more. That screen time devoted to the parole officer could have been devoted to Vetri struggling with the constraints of the group, Eccles' sexual shenanigans and Jennings' political activity. Making it more of a three girl films could have given it more focus.

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