Monday, February 27, 2023

Movie review - "Back Street" (1961) **1/2 (warning: spoilers)

 Ross Hunter loved his remakes. This takes on an old Universal melo from 1933 and 1941, doing it with Susan Hayward who was a decent star but doesn't bring the camp that say Lana Turner or Joan Crawford would have bought.

The problem with remakes of melodrama is the central issue still has to be relevant. Race was, very much, for imitation of LIfe. Being a permanent mistress I'm not sure had the same appeal in 1961. Or I might be wrong. This film did well at the box office.

The film lacks decent support parts too. Its undercast in some key roles, like the other guy in love with Hayward, Hayward's old mate. Imitation of Life had stronger cast. The kid who plays Gavin's son is terrible. It is fun to watch it and go "okay boomer".

There are flaws. But it has a solid dramatic structure. Good ending with wife Vera Miles madly driving the car, killing herself and Gavin. Solid ending with Gavin calling Hayward on his death bed. I was more involved than I thought it would've been.

I think it would've been better if Miles had been mentally ill instead of an old boozer - and if they'd made it clearer that Gavin worried about the safety of the kids.

I was also nicely surprised by Gavin's performance. He was warm and relaxed in the scenes with Hayward - they work well together. I think it would've helped if Miles and Gavin had older kids - like a Sandra Dee part. That person confronting Hayward would've been better than the kid.

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