Saturday, December 10, 2022

Movie review - "Scandal Street" (1952) ***

 In the early 1950s Columbia (and a few other Hollywood studios) used to like to team old stars with new stars. This one reunites Broderick Crawford and John Derek, who'd been in All the Kings Men together - though Derek had become a slightly bigger 'name' since.

It's directed by Phil Karlson who made Mask of the Avenger with Derek, and produced by Edward Small. Based on the novel 'The Dark Page" by Sam Fuller.

It's a decent thriller. Crawford kills his ex wife and Derek investigates it. Reed is the voice of reason. Derek is alright - someone like John Payne would've been better. Crawford is one note but has great presence. Stylish photograph. Well handled by Karlson.

Fuller complained about what was done to his book and I'm sure he would've done a better version but this was entertaining.

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