Sunday, July 11, 2021

Movie review - "I Confess" (1953) ***1/2

 One of Hitchcock's half classics. Great central idea and a perfect lead in Monty Clift who was born to play a tormented, guilt ridden person.

There's no humour and it's not much of a mystery - we know who did it, and Clift is required to be passive for the whole film, then deux ex machina wife speaks up. It lacked another plot or twist or something. Also Anne Baxter always makes me wish someone else had been cast in her part. That is mean, I know - she's a fine actor. I just wish someone else was in it... I mean, imagine Grace Kelly or Ingrid Bergman in that part, to go the obvious route.

It's very serious. The Quebec setting is different and Hitchcock fans will get off on the Catholicism of it all.

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