Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Movie review - "Cats" (2019) **

 Random thoughts

* I showed this to my five year old daughter and within one minute she said "I hate this".

* It's not very good but I feel people have been especially mean because it's a musical.

* In hindsight they would have been better off having all the roles played by stars/famous people which would have given it a vaudeville quality. I enjoyed seeing the stars. It was the lesser known West End types who were annoying because they were so West End stage.

* The winsome looking heroine is annoying.

* Again in hindsight they would have been better off just having dancers in suits. Because the perspective feels off. One minutes the cats are our size the next they seem to be small. It's disorientating and not in a good way.

* I wasn't a fan of the stage musical so I may be biased.

* Once or twice this game alive, notably in the dancing sequences - when the camera focuses on athletes doing their stuff. Again in hindsight the film would have been better off focusing on dancing.

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