Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Movie review - "Lawman" (1971) **

There's an interesting idea at the core of this movie - lawman Burt Lancaster is so determined to see justice done he runs around blasting away everyone while ostensible baddy Lee J Cobb is actually more reasonable and businesslike.

That isn't really developed - subplots should accentuate this theme fail to do so.There are some strong actors around like Richard Johnson, John Beck, Robert Ryan, Robert Duvall - but generally they play tropes (whimpy sheriff etc) without going into too much detail.

The handling is vigorous at first but then the film seemed to run out of puff half way. Technical stuff is adequate. Burt Lancaster is fine - Charles Bronson would have been more interesting. Or actually come to think of it Kirk Douglas. Lancaster doesn't seem that interested in what's going on. 

Sheree North is the smurfette character, an ex of Lancaster's.

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