Saturday, October 12, 2019

Book review - McGee #5 - "A Deadly Shade of Gold" by John D MacDonald (1965)

I read this after The Girl in the Plain Brown Wrapped and liked it more - it was easier to read, pacier. There was more action and suspense, less stuff about real estate cons. The McGuffin is an old statue - the motivation is clear: avenging the death of a friend. The friend had a woman, so of course McGee has sex with her in her traumatised state. She dies which gives the piece some heft. Some life goes out of the book after this - it introduces a whole new woman and bunch of characters and got tiring. Meyer is in it too being annoying but not much. The physical stuff is well done, Mexico is evocatively described, the second half is too long, but I found this a strong entry.

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