Saturday, June 22, 2019

Movie review - "Tommy" (1975) ****

I keep surprising myself how much I'm enjoying Ken Russell films. When married to a strong piece of material he could do marvellous work, as shown here.

Why do rock bands no longer attempt rock operas? Surely U2 should have had a go (I guess they did with Spiderman). This was from Pete Townsend in all its late 60s glory but the public took to it - snapping up the various albums, going to see stage shows, buying tickets for this.

Russell was the perfect director - he loves music and visuals and had a decent story sense so could streamline a few things in the original. It is bold and imaginative and the story holds.

Russell had actors who could commit. Oliver Reed always goes for it, and is a lot of fun as the slimy uncle. Ann Margret flings herself into the part as Tommy's mother - famously being doused in baked beans, but because this is a Ken Russell movie it makes sense.

Roger Daltrey is effective in the lead. Actually everyone is good. Robert Powell's oddness works for Tommy's dad. There's bits from Jack Nicholson, Elton John, Tina Turner. Someone for everyone.

It's full bodied and a lot of fun. It's a shame Russell didn't do more rock musicals.

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