Thursday, November 15, 2018

Movie review - "Alvin Purple" (1973) *1/2

I'm not a wowser, or at least I don't think I am, and I absolutely acknowledge the box office success of this, which was remarkable. It's got a great title and Graeme Blundell is utterly perfect in the lead (any other actor and I think this would have flopped). And there are some very attractive women in stages of undress.

But it's a hard, hard, slog. It's so repetitive - women chase after Alvin. That was okay for the first half hour but as things went on it became more difficult. I remember the car chase being one that particularly broke me.

I mean I could handle it if there had been some solid comedy sequences, but it's a one note samba. There is novelty in seeing grand dames of theatre like Jackie Weaver running (or lying) around nude.

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