Saturday, March 03, 2018

Movie review - "Blackhat" (2015) ***

I enjoyed a lot of this movie - it looks great, with some genuinely different locations (Jakarta), a multi-racial cast, some excellent shoot outs, superb actors (Leeholm Wang, Viola Davis, Holt McCallany), that Michael Mann research, lots of scenes of people strutting around wearing sunglasses looking cool.

It's an odd sort of movie though. It's about hacking - but Mann seems to be continually hiding that fact with chase scenes, shoot outs, sex and fights. Really you didn't need any hacking in it.

Chris Hemsworth is handsome and charismatic and seems like a nice guy but isn't terribly convincing as either a hacker or someone who's spent a lot of time in prison.

The pacing of the movie is also odd - it kind of seems to amble along, in this airy fashion.

The romance between Hemsworth and Wei Teng gets very solid very soon - there's little time for urst, or tension, or drama... it's like they sleep together and get married, basically.

And for all the film is more diverse than the usual Hollywood action flick, it still features a finale where a couple of white guys slug it out surrounded by hundreds of faceless Asian extras who don't seem to notice what's going on.

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