Monday, February 05, 2018

Movie review - "Milius" (2017) ****

I think this is a revised version of the documentary - there's more stuff about the Genghis Khan project (did this prompt the recut? to get interest in that?), more footage of Milius post stroke. He's struggling a bit with his words, which is sad to see - but makes the film more epic, more moving.

The talking heads remain great, including Milius' old footage himself - George Lucas, Coppola, Spielberg, Michael Mann, Bryan Singer (weird to see him), Ed O'Neill, Sam Elliot, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

There's few women - his daughter, Lea Thompson,  Kathleen Kennedy. Not enough talk about how, frankly, the depiction of women in Milius films is shocking.  There's inclusion of a talk with a female executive around the time of Big Wednesday where he's berating her, which does not show Milius in a good light. We have lots of stuff involving his kids but no mention of his wives.

A very good documentary. Not uncritical - it mocks how he became a caricature - but very positive.

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