Friday, October 10, 2014

Movie review - "Come Spy with Me" (1967) *

Badly made, dull spy spoof which depends heavily on narration to tell it's story, never a good sign. The plot involves spy shenanigans on an island; it took me ages to figure out what was going on - there was a secret agent, someone brainwashing someone, an agent investigating the deaths of some Americans in the Caribbean, a skindiving competition, a woman mistakenly kidnapped.

The photography isn't the best but the locations were pretty and the cast interesting: Andrea Dromm from The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming in the lead, Troy Donahue (looking handsome in some scenes, and bloated/puffy in others) as the sort of male lead (although it's not a very big part - he seems to spend a lot of it dancing puffily), Valerie Allen (who Donahue later married) and Albert Dekker, shortly before his death from auto-erotic asphixiation.

Smokey Robinson sings the enjoyable title track, there are some good looking physiques running around and a decent credit sequence. But it's confusing, there are too many characters, and it lacks a consistent tone.

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