Thursday, June 05, 2014

Book review - "Charmed Lives: A Family Romance" by Michael Korda (1979)

Alex Korda is one of the most improbably glamorous figures of the British film industry: a Hungarian Jew who worked his way up to become a pillar (or at least important cog) of the British establishment, hopping from country to country, film to film, leaving behind a genuinely impressive body of work an a decent pile of cash despite suffering a bunch of reversals (broken heart, revolution, World Wars, the Holocaust).

Michael Korda has a great view as his nephew - the tantrums, talent, intrigue. Most fascinating is his view of Alex's last marriage with a flirtatious younger woman who seemed more than a little interested in Michael Korda. This book really makes Alex Korda seem like a three dimensional person and is a lot of fun. The bit at the end where he goes to the 56 Hungarian Revolution feels tacked on.

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