Friday, May 23, 2014

Book review - "A Game of Thrones" (1996) by George Martin

Gripping fantasy/political/medieval saga which combines many things - including history of Rome/medieval England, modern day American politics, and dragons. Nothing much I can add to what's out there on the internet already, except to note than Martin likes describing colours of clothes, has a brilliant knack for memorable characters (the dwarf Tyrion, incestuous siblings, the cranky ancient Walter Frey, shallow Sansa) and great incidents. Ned Stark, on reading this after having seen the show, really seems like a bit of an idiot (honourable yet still tries to be sneaky).

Some interesting differences from the TV show - the Stark kids are genuinely young (i.e. Robb Stark is only 15), Tyrion is less good looking than Peter Dinklage - but it was a very faithful adaptation that completely captured the spirit of this book.

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