Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Movie review - "Devil's Darkness" (1965) **

Lance Comfort is a direct who inspired sufficient critical enthusiasm for someone to write a whole book about him; I'm not familiar with much of his output but this effort is not terribly impressive. It starts quite well with a Hammer horror-esque prologue set in the past with vampires and gypsies the unfortunately vaults forward to the present day where dull William Baxter (one in an unfortunately long line of over age American stars in 60s British horror films).

Herbert Noel is okay as the leader of the vampires - in his defence he would have been more effective if this had been set in the past. Opportunities for spooky stuff is missed wholesale - it's a very unexciting movie. There are some effective bits - Tracey Reed as a girl who gets sucked in by vampires, a party where two women who seem to be lesbians are having a chat, a cut to a painting of a woman and the woman bleeds. It's not terrible just bland.

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