Monday, March 17, 2014

Movie review - "Alphaville" (1965) **1/2

Godard does science fiction and this view of the future has a bit of everything except logic and special effects: nods to Orwell, Brave New World and James Bond, Orson Welles-esque lighting, a private eye hero (played by expat American star-in-France-only Eddie Constantine), a femme fetale (Anna Karina), some evil scientists, a high body count (the star shoots a lot of people dead).

There was a lot of imagination but to be honest I found this hard going and during the second half wished it would end. There's a creep Big Brother type voice which appears throughout the film and got on my nerves as did the ping sound.

I wasn't familiar with Constantine's work as an actor but got what he was supposed to be very quickly - the French love their craggy action stars. Karina is beautiful, there are some decent character actors. But this is an acquired taste.

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