Friday, February 14, 2014

Movie review - "Doctor Blood's Coffin" (1961) **

A modern day redo of the Frankenstein saga lacks spark. Its in colour but the production values aren't up to the Hammer horrors and Kieron Moore is no Peter Cushing; he's a big lunk of an actor, not really ideal for a mad scientist - dull hero yes, God complex no.

He does his experiments mostly in a Cornish tin mine, meaning this takes place a lot outdoors. Moore goes around killing people for his experiments and is loved by Hazel Court, grieving over the death of her former husband... who is revived by Moore.

There are several problems with this: Moore's miscasting in a role that cries out for a scenery chewing staff; it's set in the present day which lots of scenes outside meaning it lacks atmosphere; the creature doesn't get revived until the very end; there's far too much talk and not enough scenes of Moore being crazy. Hazel Court at least adds some class.

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