Sunday, July 07, 2013

Play review - "The Front Page" (1928) by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur

The most famous depiction of American journalism, except maybe All the Presidents Men, of which this would make an interesting double bill. Very fast paced and excellently structured, full of colourful characters; there's a terrific setting and ticking clock, with plenty of situations piled on top of each other - the press room near the gallows, Earl Williams about to be killed, Hildy Johnson about to leave to be married, the delay of Walter Burns (which I used to think odd but now realise makes sense because once he arrives problems tend to be solved).

The cynicism of the piece helps it age well; the constant racism of the characters does not. Also the heroes get out of all their trouble with a deux ex machina (something people tend to forget when discussing it). I prefer His Girl Friday because it gives an extra tang to the Hildy-Walter relationship but this remains on the most part really impressive theatre.

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