Thursday, June 06, 2013

Movie review - "Our Little Girl" (1935) **

One of the least well known Shirley Temple titles despite Joel McCrea's presence in the cast as her father. I think that is because of the tone of this film, which is surprisingly depressing - it tells the story of a marriage break up. Okay yes they get together at the end (you can't count that as a spoiler, it's a Hollywood code - as if it was going to be pro divorce) but that comes in a rush... most of the time it's squabbles and loneliness and new partners. McCrea is a doctor whose devotion to his job sees him ignore his wife and little child Shirley; this new guy comes sniffing around who, although dressed like a pimp, is surprisingly sympathetic - as is the girl who pants for McCrea.

Shirley's character is all over the shop - one minute she hates the divorce, the next she seems fine with it, others she appears to forget who she is. She goes for a topless swim in this one, which is a jolt to see on screen. Not a lot of comedy or music and it looks surprisingly cheap - budgets for Shirley movies would in time grow quite large.

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