Sunday, September 16, 2012

Book review - "Finished" by H Rider Haggard

I was looking forward to this because it dealt with the Zulu War but this is a disappointing book. It spends far too much time on a not very interesting story with Allan Quatermain hanging around with yet another aristocratic male he's going on a shooting trip with. They come across a house where there are some creepy things going on, which is promising, but it soon turns conventional again with the aristocrat falling in love with a girl and them fleeing. Things perk up when Quatermain gets stuck in Zululand just before the Anglo Zulu War with a quite sympathetic depiction of the dilemma Cetewayo found himself in. Then Quatermain winds up at the Battle of Isandlwana which Haggard says too often "well you know what happened then so I won't describe it" - I want him to describe it! Still, it's exciting stuff, and carries us even when the dull aristocrats come back. A bigger role is given to dwarf Zikali here but nothing much new - he wants revenge, he tells everyone he wants revenge. How about a plot twist?Look this isn't bad - I mean, it's got Isandlwana - I just felt let down considering its subject matter.

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