Thursday, July 12, 2012

Theatre review - "Eat, Pray, Laugh" July 8, 2012

It's still bizarre to me that our universally recognised theatre genius has this weird concoction of vulgar humour (farts, belches, vomiting), songs, satire, word play. He's managed to keep Sir Les current because its a way to access the political situation and Edna can talk to celebrities. Sandy Stones aren't around any more but those of us old enough remember their inspiration and his monologue, about losing their child to infantile paralysis, is touching.

Sometimes I swear he vagued out particularly during the Sir Les segment when he was cooking a BBQ but as Edna and Sandy he was spot on - ditto as the pedophile priest. The humour is vicious and broad - he pokes fun of everyone equally. There are some songs and dances to help ease the pain of that one hundred dollar ticket. The night I went the audience included Bob Ellis, a monk and a woman with a baby.

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