Sunday, June 03, 2012

Movie review - "The Adventures of Tintin: The Search for the Unicorn" (2011) ***

Probably the best film that could be made from a Tintin comic... or is it? There's certainly a lot of love and care, the technical stuff impresses, the casting good (Jamie Bell, Andy Serdakis), the script very respectful... But there's too much noise, chases and crash boom-bang and a John Williams score that never seems to end. That's a personal opinion of course - others may like it, especially kids. But I can't help feeling they missed a lot of the satire in the comics, the characters don't seem as rich (there's Bianca Casatfiore but no Calculus), the villain is a bit light, it... I don't know, it just doesn't get the magic. Maybe they missed out by not going to the island a la Red Rackham's Treasure. I'm glad it did well though and that there will be a sequel.

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