Thursday, October 20, 2011

Movie review – “Red State” (2011) ****

Kevin Smith tries something genuinely different and the result is his best movie in ages. It does deal with some of his favoured topics – sex and religion, plus a love of dialogue and actors; but this is easily his best directed movie (it’s visually exciting – shooting on digital obviously gave him a lot of choices in the editing room). It’s also a terrific script which constantly breaks the rules – people set up as heroes die, it keeps changing point of view, subverting expectations. 

The ending hinted at something truly apocalyptic but he shies away from that – still, I enjoyed the shaggy dog ending with the wisecracking cynical FBI agent (the bloke who played the comic in Mad Men) being a very believable version of the breed: arse covering, ruthless, funny, political. The high school kids are also believable (although wouldn't it make more sense that the lunatic church people lured gay teens?), so are the church types - it's well acted across the board.

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