Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Radio review – BP – “Voice of the Turtle” (1952) **

A massively popular hit on Broadway – it remains one of the longest-running non-musicals of all time… to which you kind of scratch your head and go “why?” I guess it came along at just the right time, a tale of a soldier on leave falling in love, with the right amount of risque-ness for the war (sexual barriers coming down, etc); the players must have had charm too. Because off this production it’s simply a very very light romance (not even a romantic comedy really) without many great jokes and very little story. It’s basically about Sally, an actress who agrees to “take care” of a boyfriend of her flashier friend, also an actress. They spend the next few days of his leave falling in love, and I think they have sex together. Elliot Nugent, who played the role on Broadway, is the guy and Martha Scott (who was on Broadway for a year after Margaret Sullivan) is Sally. Sally has a married lover and her friend is promiscuous – maybe audiences were titillated by that. And it is sweet. But the lack of story and craft hurts it nowadays.

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