Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Radio review – TGA#56 – “State Fair” (1950) **1/2

Novelty casting: the family are played by the Lockharts, Gene, Kathleen and June, with Dick Van Patten no less as the son. Van Heflin is the lecherous reporter who falls for June Lockhart, while her brother is seduced by a vamp, dad worries about his hog winning a prize and mum does not much. Well acted across the board; the girl isn’t much of a feminist creature – she starts the movie wanting something different and new, but after having her romance with the journalist, who proposes and suggests they live overseas, she whimps out and says she wants to go back to her hometown where everyone knows her and marry someone she doesn’t really love. I expected the journalist to come back at the end and say he’s happy to live in a small town… but he doesn’t. It’s got a downer ending – which is different from the musical versions.

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