Sunday, May 17, 2009

Book review – “And So It Went” by Bob Ellis

Basically a diary from Bob Ellis covering 2007-2008 – and the loss of power for John Howard had acted as a tonic on him. (Ellis quotes Kim Beazley in this as pointing out that Ellis' hatred for Howard was hurting his writing - and he was dead right.) Because instead of bashing Liberals Ellis can concentrate on what he does best, namely thwarted Labor idealism. There are lots (and lots) of “what if” hyptotheticals about political situations. Like a boomer he whinges about his parents, in this case his mother who died in 2005 (and about whom he has tended to be a bit reticent in his writings before her death). I also think it's time Ellis recognised that he is sexist and is particularly nasty towards women politicians he dislikes.

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